Meet the Owner

Ladies and gentlemen, collectors of all ages, it's time to put your hands together and give a warm welcome to the new face behind the future of Inside Pitch Promotions! Meet Katie Spece - she's ready to take the world of toy, sports cards, and collectibles trade shows by storm.

With over a decade of experience in the world of event and conference planning in the fintech space to higher education, Katie brings a fresh perspective to this beloved hobby. Now, with a heart full of passion and a head full of ideas, Katie is ready to inject new life into Inside Pitch Promotions that will not only enhance the overall trade show experience but also attract a larger, more diverse crowd of attendees. More attendees mean more opportunities for dealers to showcase their treasures and increase their earnings, making Inside Pitch Promotions the ultimate destination for collectors and enthusiasts. It's time to get ready for a bigger, brighter, and more prosperous future for everyone!

Katie's arrival marks the dawn of a new era for Inside Pitch Promotions. Get ready for a whirlwind of excitement, a fresh spin on the classics, and a new trade show experience for vendors and attendees. If you thought collecting was fun before, just wait until you see what Katie has in store. Get your cards, toys, and collectibles ready, folks, because this show is about to get a whole lot wilder!

Meet the
Trade Show Manager

Say hello to Inside Pitch Promotions' first ever full-time Trade Show Manager: Tommy DeLaunay! A proud graduate of NC State, Tommy is here to turn the gears, manage the mayhem, and assist our cherished dealers every step of the way. With an unstoppable eagerness to excel and a passion for supporting our dealers, which is second to none, Tommy's enthusiasm is infectious. He's not just here to make things happen; he's here to make them spectacular! Inside Pitch and all of its dealers are lucky to have Tommy on the team. Get ready for a line-up of show magic like never before, all thanks to our spirited maestro, Tommy DeLaunay.